Rebuild Todo List python-pillow 7

2020-06-15 - Kyle Keen

Pillow 7 dropped python2 support (yay!), and tweaked the API in a reverse incompatible fashion:

Please test if your package works (or builds for makedeps, or passes for checkdeps) with python-pillow-7, which is in [staging].

If it does work, check it off and do nothing.
If it doesn't work, either patch for pillow 7 (and push to [staging]), or tweak the imports from `PIL` to `PIL6` and change the dependency to python-pillow6 (and push to [community]).

Python2 packages require no changes.

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2 packages displayed out of 2 total packages.
Arch Repository Name Current Version Staging Version Maintainers Status Last Touched By
any Extra deluge 1:2.1.1-8 heftig Complete heftig
x86_64 Extra hplip 1:3.24.4-3 andyrtr Complete andyrtr